Corian Dupont

As an official, Corian DuPont™ certified partner we process and install special constructions from homogeneous acrylic surfaces. We cover all needs for any space!

For more than 200 years, DuPont has served markets as diverse as agriculture, nutrition, electronics and communications, safety and protection, home and construction, transportation, and apparel.

DuPontDuPont ™ Corian® advanced homogeneous surfaces are an ideal example for this. They have been created as an alternative product of higher performance compared to conventional surface materials and over the years they have become a world symbol of interior decoration and architecture. Architects and designers all over the world value Corian® as a material that can transform their most ambitious visions into reality. Residential kitchen designs advance to a new level with kitchen countertops, islands and prefabricated sinks, fashioned from high-performance Corian®, available in a dazzling array of colors and styles.


Features and Benefits


Corian® keeps its good looks and survives the impact nicks and cuts that can occur with daily wear and tear


Since its introduction, Corian® has proven itself to be remarkably durable, a versatile material that is easy to live with in both domestic and commercial environments. Corian® cannot delaminate, the joints are inconspicuous and fluids cannot penetrate.


Corian® has a non-porous surface that prevents dirt and stains from penetrating the material. Marks and stains stay on the surface and can easily be removed with a Scotchbrite® pad and household cleaner.


Corian® is nonporous and hygienic. Its smooth surface does not allow liquids to penetrate and that makes it easy to clean. Bacteria and mould have nowhere to take root. When Corian® looks clean, it really is clean.


Corian® surfaces are renewable and inherently environmentally friendly. Heavy stains and scratches can be erased without a trace simply by rubbing with household cleaner. Just a little effort will soon return the surface of Corian® to mint condition.


Color-coordinated Joint Adhesive bonds Corian® solid surface with inconspicuous seams. This results in a smooth surface that enables you to create large designs fashioned from a single element. The seamless look of integrated Corian® (work)surfaces, sinks/basins, and coved backsplashes also means there are no crevices to trap dirt and bacteria.

Corian DuPont Color Portfolio

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